Hi, I’m Miriam and welcome to my blog. Based in Eastern Scotland, I’m working towards a life filled with intention, creativity, and slow moments. Tired of feeling miserable and bogged down by chronic stress, I completely overhauled my life – from adopting minimalist and low waste habits to moving away from the bustle of city life — and began to live with intention. And intentional living has brought my life exactly where I’ve always wished it to be: a celebration of the quiet things in life, of the little, seemingly insignificant moments that fill the heart with joy.
By reducing my belongings and making decisions with intent and purpose, I found happiness in the little things and the things that truly matter. Once caught up in an endless cycle of consumption, dissatisfaction, and the need for more, minimalism has enabled me to free up my life, both physically and mentally. My passion for living with less and discovering a greater wealth of happiness without things is something I hope to share on this blog, alongside zero waste tips, practical self-care that goes beyond the ‘treat yourself’ mentality, and creating the life you want to lead, whether that’s similar to my own vision of an idyllic countryside life or a fast-paced career in a bustling city.
intentional living has brought my life exactly where I’ve always wished it to be: a celebration of the quiet things in life, of the little, seemingly insignificant moments that fill the heart with joy
The idea for minimalistmiri began whilst at university in New Zealand. During my years at university so many wonderful moments occurred (falling in love and getting married, exploring the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand, traveling internationally to countries I’d always dreamed of visiting), but I felt overwhelmed, depressed, and burnt out on a regular, almost constant basis. I wasn’t living in the moment and I wasn’t enjoying life.
In truth, despite all the good, the life I was living wasn’t what I wanted and no amount of material items or exciting excursions could transform the parts of my life that were dragging me down. I had to finish university before I could move and change my living situation, so I made all the other, practical changes I could: I decluttered my apartment and wardrobe, I stopped consuming mindlessly, I gave up fast fashion, I put energy into reducing my waste. I turned my attention towards what I really wanted and worked towards creating my dreams, even the ones that are still far off in the future.
It was when I was working in China, with the stress of undergrad behind me, that minimalistmiri was truly born. My outlook on life and its possibilities had transformed, with a new mindset and a new location, and I was on my way to creating a life I was passionate about. The desire to live my dreams, to see them come to fruition, and the lessons I learned (and am still learning along the way) was something I wanted to share with others and to connect with others who are on a similar path.
There’s certainly so much I’m still figuring out, forever learning and discovering, so much more to achieve, dream, and do, and I hope you’ll join me on the journey.